Thursday, January 24, 2013

Side Note... Bits of Jerusalem I Love

Check out this view! 
 The valley below the Old city is the Kidron Valley; it must have been nice that the Old City of Jerusalem had a pretty natural defense system because of the surrounding valleys--their only vulnerable side was then north (Just in case you wanted to know).
Just looking at the city you can see where momentous event occurred.  There is so much history here! Everything we've been reading in the Bible about for so long, is now so close to me.  I've always had a testimony of the Bible, but there is something visual about seeing the sites where these stories took place, that solidifies faith.

I love the Old City. Everywhere you look is something exciting and authentic!
Plus, look how colorful it is. 

Don't ask me why but I love seeing clotheslines all over Israel.  

Stray Cat Strut? 
Instead of stray dogs, rabbits, or coyotes, Israel has stray cats.  If a country is going to have a stray animal, at least cats are cute. I secretly love seeing them all over town. 

The Garden Tomb.
Even though this picture does not depict how we would usually like to see the tomb (with no tourists), I love the fact that millions of people travel from around the world to come see the empty tomb. 
  "He is not here, for he is risen."  
Funny Story about these boots.
Notice how the boot on the right is a lot nicer and looks a lot newer than the other?  That boot my friends, was on the foot I accidentally stepped into the Pools of Bethesda with. 
I always knew the Pools had healing powers in the Old Testament; but I didn't know they still did!  I was so excited the pools fixed my boot!  I had to share. 

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