Saturday, January 12, 2013

Half Way Around the World and 10 Hours Later

MADE IT TO THE HOLY LAND! I honestly can't believe I'm actually here in Jerusalem!!  Even though I've been preparing to come here for a while, I never thought it was actually going to happen for some reason; maybe I just couldn't imagine it.  The fact I am in the Holy Land still hasn't sunk in and probably won't... my first time out of the country is a success and I just realize I am so extremely blessed that I wonder why.  All I can do is thank my Heavenly Father for the amazing opportunities He sends to me, live how He would have me live, and live up every moment of this experience.  
I am staying here at the BYU Jerusalem Center and it is gorgeous!!! We've barely toured it but I literally stood there with my mouth gaping open as I saw the view of the Old City.  It's pretty cold and was hailing on the way over but it's so green here!  We haven't gotten a chance to sleep yet, they kept us busy since arrival. 
Anyway, I'm here safe! So stoked for this experience :) CAN'T BELIEVE I'M HERE! Miss you guys!!! 
This is the beginning of something beautiful, the world just has so much to offer and I don't know the half of it.  I can't wait to find out how much there really is... traveller Tawny here I come. 

It SNOWED!!! This never happens in Jerusalem--they haven't had this much snow in over ten years. My Old Testament teacher shared the Isaiah scripture, "though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow."  The reason this scripture is significant is because snow is so rare, so Isaiah is writing about something unique.  Jerusalem receiving snow is special like it is special to receive forgiveness.  It feels a bit magical that I can be here when it snowed.  I'm excited!

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